Friday, November 14, 2008

Phase 1-Ready To Order!

Thanks to the amazing generosity of our community, we are happy to announce that we now have sufficient funds to go ahead and place the order for Phase 1 of our project.
See the pictures above for an idea of what our new rock tunnel, bouncers, seesaw and digger will look like.

Also, having received overwhelming feedback that most parents would like the sandbox to stay as is, we have revised the plan for Phase 2 to include a Toddlertown Playhouse, Drive Thru' and Trike Path that will complement our existing sandbox.
Of course, this means we will need to change out the sand and maintain the sandbox regularly but we know we can count on volunteer parents for ongoing help with that!

(click on the plan to enlarge)

We hope to place our order before the end of the year (to avoid a price increase) and to schedule the installation for early Spring 2009. This will be a supervised community build and we will ask for volunteer parents to help with the installation.
The village has also offered the help of the Highway Dept. workers for our project.

We currently have close to $14,000 in available funds. Phase 1 and Phase 2 as revised will totally cost us almost $13,000. So we continue to ask for donations from the community in cash or kind (We'll need sand and cement for the project), of course, with our sights set on Phase 3 in the near future. You can make a secure online donation or mail a check to the Community Foundation of Dutchess County...( click on this link to go straight to the donation page) Please specify Cold Spring Tots Park as the Fund Name.

We're excited to be so close to an improved Tots Park! None of this would be possible without your help and support and we thank each one of you for being so involved in this project.

As always we welcome your feedback on this blog or email :