Saturday, July 16, 2011


All thanks to our hard working volunteers: Mark Hall, Bonny Carmicino, Tyler Mell, Kathryn O'Hara, Darren Critz, Barton Chew, Mike and Robbi Martin, Chris Sandlund, Justin Edelson, Jay Philippi, Paul Mooney, Bo Bell, Lisa Sabin, Seth Gallagher and Dinesh Kapoor

Thanks to these volunteers for providing food/drink: Katy Cox, Silvia Gaugler, Cecily Hall, Shannon Keegan, Eileen Caulfield, Robbi Smith, Beth Edelson and Eugenie Milroy

Thanks to Rajay Bagaria for being the force behind the project. Thanks to our generous donors including: Mike and Karen Speller, Cold Spring Lions Club and Ken Kearney.

Thanks to the Village of Cold Spring and the Highway Department for their help with this project. Big shout out to Mary Saari, Seth Gallagher, Ed Trimble, Charlie, Russ and Robert.

Thanks to Robert Pettinelli Junior and Senior for supervising and directing the build. Need a playground, call Miracle Recreation!

Thanks to Kathleen Foley, Eugenie Milroy, Beth Edelson, Robbi Smith, Megan Philippi and Eileen Caulfield for working on this project, including enormous fundraising efforts since 2008.

Please note: the park is closed until Monday, July 18th to give the concrete under the structure a chance to dry. Please do not let kids enter for their own safety. Thanks!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


New mulch delivered to the Park today. Come to our community build this Saturday, July 16th from 8 am onwards to help spread it. Thanks to Mayor Seth Gallagher and the Highway Depratment for their help with this project!

Please note the park is CLOSED until Sunday, July 17th for construction.


Sunday, July 10, 2011


The Tots Park will be closed from Friday July, 15th to Sunday July,17th while we remove the old play structure and install the new one. Please do not allow your kids into any area of the park during this time for their safety. Thanks! Come try the new equipment starting July 17th!