Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Arts For The Park

Announcing our next fund-raising event:
A Chamber Music Concert and Silent Auction of local art to benefit the Cold Spring Tots Park

First Presbyterian Church of Cold Spring
Sunday, Sept. 28th at 3pm
Childcare provided
Suggested admission: $10/head

Art on display at The Butterfield Library until the day of the event

Featured musicians:Lynn Brown, Pam Eagan, Rachel Evans, Cynthia Ligenza, Carolyn Llewellyn, Abby Luby, Tom McCoy
Featured artists: Melissa McGill, Roman Danilov, Lisa Light, Nancy Bauch, Joan Gillman Smith, Adam Smith, Jay Palefsky, John Gilvey, Margaret Benmour, Eugenie Milroy

Stay tuned for details!

Many thanks for all the generous pledges in that are pouring in to our new fund with CFDC. Thanks to all the money we have raised so far we were able to go ahead and place the order for phase 1 of our project. If you would like to make a donation click here
Don't forget to put Cold Spring Tots Park as the fund name or in the memo line of your check.

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